Texas Snake Identification
Texoma Orthopedic and spine center

Kell West Orthopedic Spine

Texas Coral Snake (Micrurus Tener)
The most potent venom is that of the coral snake. These snakes are elapids, belonging to the same family as cobras and mambas. THEY ARE THE ONLY POISONOUS TEXAS SNAKE THAT IS NOT A PIT VIPER. THEY HAVE ROUND EYES THAT CONFUSE THEM WITH NON-POISONOUS SNAKES. "Red touches Yellow - kills a fellow" for Coral Snakes over a variety of King snakes that is "Red touches Black - friend of Jack". Also, Coral Snakes have a black head and the King Snake variety has a red head.
Mojave Rattlesnake (Crotalus Scutulatus)
The second most venomous snake found in Texas is the Mojave rattlesnake. Of all the rattlesnakes in the world, the Mojave possesses the most potent venom.
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus Atrox)
The western diamondback rattlesnake causes the largest number of snake bites in the United States. This is due to its highly defensive disposition, and tendency to strike when approached.
They are among the largest species of rattlesnake, commonly growing to 5 feet long.
Bites from western diamondback rattlesnakes are very common – hundreds happen each year in the United States. This is because these snakes are not afraid to stand their ground when approached, and tend to strike at the slightest threat. Their venom contains hemotoxins which destroy blood cells, resulting in massive internal bleeding. Again, CroFab antivenin almost always prevents death.
Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus Hhorridus)
They are one of the most common rattlesnakes across the U.S. They can be found in the majority of the eastern states, including Texas, where they are a protected species. Because of their abundance, timber rattlesnakes are responsible for the most snake bite-related deaths in the US, along with eastern and western diamondbacks.
Massasauga Rattlesnake (Sistrurus Catenatus)
Massasauga’s most poisonous snakes are rattlesnakes, but they differ from most other species because they are part of a separate genus (Sistrurus rather than Crotalus). They are smaller than most Crotalus rattlesnakes, but this does not make them any less dangerous. They are still pit vipers and can deliver a toxic bite.
Cottonmouth (Agkistrodon Piscivorus)
Otherwise known as water moccasins, cottonmouths are semi-aquatic pit vipers. They belong to the same subfamily as rattlesnakes, and share some physical features, although they do not have rattles on their tails. They are often mistaken for harmless water snakes, which is a mistake that can have serious consequences.